Virtual caray

424 palavras 2 páginas
Working Conditions in Germany:
Salaries in Germany are some of the highest in the world. If you are a new graduate, you can expect a salary around 30,000 Euros per year. If you are a student taking a job or are just seeking unqualified employment, you can expect to be paid around 10 to 15 Euros per hour.
Like most European countries, salary is paid out in terms of 13 monthly payments, with the 13th month's payment occurring around Christmas.
You can expect to have a lot of protected rights and benefits as a worker in Germany as they have one of the most highly regulated labor markets in the world. All employees are entitled to holidays, sick days, the option of working only part-time, leave for the birth of a child, and more.

Working Conditions in Russia:
Since embarking on a market economy, Russia's rapid macroeconomic and political reforms created anxiety among the citizens who came to expect a modest but dependable lifestyle. Russia's abandonment of subsidies for Soviet-era industries permitted a steep industrial decline, throwing millions of citizens out of work. Although well-educated and skilled, it is mismatched to the rapidly changing needs of the Russian economy. Millions of Russian workers are underemployed. Unemployment is highest among women and young people. Many Russian workers compensate by working other part-time jobs.
Russia's financial crisis had a severe effect on wages in the country. Many employees were helpless and prices increasing drastically eroded the buying power of their salaries.
The average nominal monthly wage in January 1999 was approximately 1,200 rubles. In January 2000, the nominal wage was roughly 1,575 rubles, or about $58 at the prevailing exchange rate at the time. The minimum Russian pension is 410 rubles per month. The average pension is 650 rubles per month.
In November 1998, when the official unemployment rate was 11.6 percent, the Russian Ministry of Economy predicted that unemployment would grow 70 percent by


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