Atenção: os nomes, endereços e informações contidas no modelo são fictícios e semelhança com a realidade é mera coincidência
Joao de Oliveira Silva
#204-1228 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC, V6G 2W8
Phone: 604-624-3955 Email: jaooSilva@gmail.com
Objective: i.e. A position, which offers the possibility to build a long lasting career
Observação 1: neste campo você deve colocar de forma breve e objetiva qual é o seu objetivo profissional. Evite frases vagas do tipo “my objective is to find a job in Vancouver”. Prefira algo mais específico do tipo “my objective is to find a job in Tourism management, which is the area of my education e professional experience”
Employment History
Company name Date
City, Province, Counrty
Position: Title of your position
Observação 2: seja o mais breve e objetivo possível ao descrever suas responsabilidades abaixo. Evite frases vagas e idéias repetidas
Provided administrative support to all departments including Executive Office. Acted as the “go-to” person for staff questions on policies, procedures, business equipment and various other topics Provided a consistent level of administrative support services by standardizing correspondence templates, formats, protocol and procedures Preserved, organized and managed records and information by expanding and maintaining the organizational records management system. Advised on methods to maintain security and confidentiality of records Monitored and controlled costs of office equipment; researched options for replacement of office machines; presented recommended budget Member of the Health & Safety Committee as well as the Emergency Response Committee
Company name Date
City, Province, Counrty