
716 palavras 3 páginas
Internet applications
Individual project
The goal of the project is to implement some of the functions of an Internet shop.
The required functionality is:

Authentication of users (log-in, log-out, password checking)
Displaying list of products
Searching products by name
Session-based shopping cart
Wish list stored in the database
Adding products to shopping cart and wish list
Moving products between shopping cart and wish list.

The lists of technologies to use:

PHP (using some PHP framework is required) ,
JavaScript (optional, for in-browser validation if appropriate within the chosen framework),
Relational database (MySQL or PostgreSQL)

You DO NOT have to write any documentation for the application and you DO NOT have to apply any project management strategies or software engineering methodologies. All I need is:

Domain model diagram (UML class model, ERD, or relational diagram)
Source code
Demonstration of a working application

Database schema / domain model:

You have to design it yourself. It has to accommodate products, users, and wish lists
You can start with a class model or a database schema (the choice may be influenced by the selected technology and framework)

Pages of the application:



List of products – starting page, displays all the products, at the top there should be a form to filter products by name (Java Script code should verify that when a user presses the Search button, the search criteria field is not empty and contains at least 2 characters), this page should be available even if a user in not logged on, for each product there should be a link to Details about it, at the top of the page there should be a link to the Login page (or a link to logout of already logged on)
Login page – after successful login user should be transfer to the List of products OR to the Cart and Wish list if the user was redirected to Login when trying to add a product to wish list


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