Sustentabilidade e ação
Andressa de Oliveira Machado, Douglas Vaz, Simone Collioni dos Santos, Suelen Silva de Andrade
Faculdade Cenecista de Osório (FACOS)
Avenida Jorge Dariva, 1042, bairro centro, cep 95520-000, Osório, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil,,,
Abstract. This paper discusses the importance of instigating students to build sustainable habits from the creation of an Intelligent Tutoring System called "Sustainability and Action," made in the discipline of Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Cenecista Osorio - FACOS and directed by Professor Pinto Andrio . In addition to other authors, we use as a basis for the construction of this study, the author Isabel Cristina Moura Carvalho that describes very well about the importance of forming an "ecological self." This STI has several types of materials, eg, text, image and video, which serve as support for students to learn about issues such as recycling, deforestation and consumerism and activities so they can interact and apply the knowledge they learned . The activities are based on a crossword, a game and a quiz, one in each module with issues / themes for each module. This STI was applied to a class of 5th grade Shift Integral Project of the Municipal School of Elementary Education Major Antonio de Alencar, obtaining positive results.
Resumo. O presente artigo trata da importância de instigar os alunos a construir hábitos sustentáveis a partir da criação de um Sistema Tutor Intêligente chamado “Sustentabilidade & Ação”, feito na disciplina de Inteligência Artificial, da Faculdade Cenecista de Osório – FACOS e orientado pelo Professor Andrio Pinto. Além de outros autores, utilizamos como base para a construção deste estudo, a autora Isabel Cristina de Moura Carvalho que descreve muito bem sobre a importância de se formar um “sujeito ecológico”. Este STI conta com diversos tipos de