Supervisão escolar
Abstract - This work has the intention to demonstrate the work of the Pertaining to school Overseers in the schools that are located in the State of Minas Gerais, since in other states this professional possess another line of work. The work of the Pertaining to school Overseer is based on legislation, administration at last is the professional who will make interchanges it enters the Regional Supervision of Education (TO BE) and the schools, looking for to structuralize the development of the pertaining to school establishments. In this article approaches the history of the Pertaining to school Inspection, the attributions of its work and the day the day of the work of the Pertaining to school Overseer in the schools, as the current law in the cited State above.
Palavras-chave - Administração. Educação. Legislação.
A escola de trinta ou cinqüenta anos atrás e a escola de hoje são instituições diferentes, mudaram os alunos, mudou a função social da escola exigindo, portanto, mudança de sua organização e funcionamento. Assim essas instituições preparam profissionais qualificados que estejam à altura dessa nova sociedade em transformação. Assim como a sociedade que sofre modificações continuamente, a legislação educacional em