
4487 palavras 18 páginas


Perfil das tentativas de suicídio por sobredose intencional de medicamentos atendidas por um Centro de Controle de Intoxicações do
Paraná, Brasil
Profile of suicide attempts using intentional overdose with medicines, treated by a poison control center in Paraná State, Brazil

Sara Santos Bernardes 1
Conceição Aparecida Turini
Tiemi Matsuo 2

Centro de Ciências da
Saúde, Universidade
Estadual de Londrina,
Londrina, Brasil.
2 Centro de Ciências Exatas,
Universidade Estadual de
Londrina, Londrina, Brasil.

S. S. Bernardes
Centro de Ciências da Saúde,
Universidade Estadual de
Av. Robert Koch 60, Londrina,
PR 86038-440, Brasil. 1



This study presents the profile of suicide attempts using intentional overdose with medicines, treated at the Poison Control Center in Londrina, Paraná
State, Brazil. A retrospective study of cases treated from 1997 to 2007 was performed. Suicide attempts were significant among unemployed men, housewives, and retired women, and there was an association with other substances in 51.5% of the cases, with a higher frequency among men. 51.1% of the men combined the medicine with an alcoholic beverage, while in women, 84.8% of the associations involved other medicines. The most frequent pharmacological groups were tranquilizers
(25.5%), antidepressants (17%), anticonvulsants
(15%), and NSAIDs (11.9%). Prescribers must evaluate patients correctly before prescribing psychoactive drugs, since this is the pharmacological group most frequently associated with suicide attempts. Awareness-raising campaigns for rational use of medicines and social programs for suicidal patients should also help decrease the frequency of such cases.

Há alguns anos, o comportamento suicida vem tomando impulso em termos numéricos em todo o mundo. Segundo a Organização Mundial da
Saúde (OMS), o índice de suicídio aumentou


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