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Shopper Marketing:

Capturing a Shopper’s Mind, Heart and Wallet

Shopper Marketing:
Key Insights:

Capturing a Shopper’s Mind, Heart and Wallet
• The Store Is Compelling and an Ideal Marketing Canvas – With 70 percent of purchase decisions being made in-store1 and 68 percent of in-store purchases being impulse2, marketers have a tremendous opportunity to reach consumers, build brand equity and stimulate consumption through effective shopper marketing. • Many Definitions Exist, However Only One Matters – Despite industry debates and differing opinions, shopper marketing should be consistently defined from the shopper’s point-of-view. It should include all marketing stimuli, developed based on a deep understanding of shopper behavior, designed to build brand equity, engage the shopper (i.e., a consumer in ‘shopping mode’), and lead him/her to make a purchase. • The Industry Is a Believer – With respect to shopper marketing, companies are making real change happen in their organization – backing it up with projected increases in funding (21 percent and 26 percent CAGR 2004-2010 estimate for manufacturers and retailers, respectively) and considering shopper marketing a competitive differentiator well into the future. • Transformational Change Is Required, and It’s Quite Complex – Building shopper marketing capabilities will require a significant transformation of the status quo in marketing and sales organizations. This transformation will include, but is not limited to, how insights are generated, how much is spent on insight generation, how segmentation is performed, how budgets are developed, how teams are structured, what skills are required, and how execution happens in-store. • Retailers Are Increasingly Defining the Agenda – Retailers are becoming more sophisticated and demanding marketers. Leading manufacturers are succeeding by becoming expert advisors to their retail customers. Compelling insights and effective collaboration will drive competitive
