Palavras-Chave: Sensor, Aplicação, Características, Segurança.
Abstract: This paper aims to discuss topics related to sensors, its functionality, features and its wide application. The sensors have emerged so that the processes were automated, so that production is more efficient and effective, because a sensor gives more speed, convenience and safety processes. Today the application of sensors is so vast that goes unnoticed by us, for example, in a car there are sensors everywhere, level sensors, to see the volume of fuel, engine oil, temperature sensor, which gives the engine temperature, and even some more modern cars the temperature inside the car, in car security, parking sensor, presence sensor among other sensors that help in everyday life wherever their application.
Keywords: Sensor, Application, Features, Security.
1. Introdução
Os sensores são dispositivos que surgiram para auxiliar na automação de máquinas, equipamentos e processos, substituindo as chaves de acionamento mecânico dando maior versatilidade e durabilidade às aplicações.
Um sensor pode ser definido como um transdutor que altera a sua característica física