Palavra-chave: Gerenciamento de Projetos, PMBok, Prazo e Orçamento.
According to the Gartner report published by the Institute in February 2011, important facts and truthful that occur in everyday relating to IT projects in organizations around the world. Projects developed only 57% are completed on time. The projects within budget with only 67% initial estimate. With this work we observe some concepts and tools studied at Logica, Operating System Fundamentals and Applied Communication. These concepts and tools taught to develop the ability to identify needs, propose solutions, argue and discuss the technologies used in the design of computational systems and also to foment the habit of executing projects.
Keyword: Project Management, PMBok, Deadline and Budget.
1. INTRODUÇÃO................................................................................................5
2. PMI ............................................................................................................... .6
3. PMBOK...........................................................................................................6 3.0.