Aplicação do método de Taguchi em um processo de injeção plástica de itens de segurança automotivos
Application of Taguchi method in a plastic injection process of automotive safety parts
João Adalberto Alves de Souza¹, Raoni Barros Bagno²
¹ Acadêmico do Curso de Engenharia de Produção – PUC Minas (eng.joaosouzabrh@hotmail.com)
² Departamento de Engenharia de Produção - PUC Minas. Rua do Rosário, 1081, Bairro Angola, CEP
32.630-000, Betim, Minas Gerais, Brasil. (rbagno@pucminas.br)
ABSTRACT: This is a study applied to the manufacturing of auto safety parts. The aim is to improve the process through Taguchi’s Robust Engineering method. Currently in Brazil, driven mainly by changes in legislation, several car manufacturers face challenges in large scale production of safety items that were previously produced in small scale or even imported. This context brings new difficulties for production processes. Taguchi method is known due to this enormous potential for the solution of engineering problems, but it is not as widespread in Brazil. The application was conducted at a large auto parts company which faced the challenge of nationalizing the production of airbag equipped cars’ panels.
Robust Engineering application suggested changes in some previous selected parameters related to the production in order to obtain minimal dimensional deviations in points considered critical to the airbag performance. These results confirmed the benefits of applying Taguchi method for scaling up autoparts and highlight its importance in new product development.
Keywords: Taguchi Method. New Product and Process Development. Automotive industry.
RESUMO: Este é um estudo aplicado à fabricação de peças de segurança de automóveis e o objetivo é melhorar o processo por meio do método de Engenharia Robusta de Taguchi. Atualmente, no Brasil, impulsionados principalmente por alterações na legislação, vários fabricantes de automóveis