pyca sindrome
411 palavras
2 páginas
PICA SYNDROMEThe name "pica" comes from Latin and means " magpie", a bird of the northern hemisphere known to eat almost anything they find in front of you. This syndrome can be seen in all ages, but especially in pregnant women and children 1-6 years. But attention to moms : If a child is seen eating dirt , trying to swallow toys , pebbles , clothes button up poop does not mean she has Pica , because we know that the normal development of the child , there is the stage where everything is " experiential " . For such habits are considered Pica, it needs to last at least a month for a period of life when it is not considered normal within the context of human development. That is, if a person can not see a piece of charcoal, or is trying to eat her own clothes ... It's a case for watching !
This disorder can be reversed by the use of some drugs and vitamin intake, but in most cases treatment requires psychological and environmental considerations. In some cases, a light therapy has been effective to modify the framework of patients suffering from this condition.
Magpie: pega Ages: idade Pregnant: sujeira Swallow: engolir Pebbles: pedrinha Poop: cocô Development: desenvolvimento
Charcoal: carvão
Reversed: revertida
Intake: ingestão treatment: tratamento
Requires: requer
Environmental: ambiental
Suffering: sofrimento
O nome “pica” vem