Psicologia e direito
Edgard Barki and Juracy Parente
Getúlio Vargas Foundation, Brazil
Thebaseofthepyramid(BoP)markethasbecomeofincreasingimportanceinrecent years.Theobjectiveofthispaperisnotonlytoidentifyanddescribethedistinctive characteristicsofBrazilianlow-incomeshoppingandconsumerbehaviour,butalso to explain the determinants of such behaviour, combining Brazilian low-income valueswithwidelyknownmarketingconcepts,suchasthe‘haloeffect’,‘relationship marketing’,‘brandloyalty’and‘valueproposition’.Thisstudyisbasedonempirical, qualitative research, comprising in-depth interviews and focus groups with lowincome consumers. Our findings indicated the following consumer behaviour characteristicsamongtheBrazilianBoPwhichseemtobedifferentfromtheirbetteroff countrymen: a different configuration of the perception of value not solely determinedbylowerprices,astrongerneedtocompensateforadignitydeficitand lowself-esteem,astrongerpreferenceforpersonalisedrelationships,ahighaspiration tofeelsociallyincludedinsociety,andapreferenceforstoreswithacrowdedand overstockedatmosphere.
Edgard Barki has a PhD and Master’s in business administration from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas/EAESP. He is a marketing professor and coordinator of BoP Lab Brazil. He was co-organiser of the book Varejo para Baixa Renda (Retail for Low Income) and his areas of interest are: the base of the pyramid, emerging markets, retail and marketing.
OO Baseofthe pyramid(BoP) OO Consumer behaviour OO Relationship marketing OO Brazil OO Value proposition
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Centro de Excelência em Varejo – FGV-EAESP, Av. 9 de Julho, 2029, 110 andar, Bela Vista, São Paulo 01313-902, Brazil
Juracy Parente is associate professor of marketing and head of the marketing department at Fundação