Programming atmega using bootloader

588 palavras 3 páginas
Programming Atmega using BootLoader Many expensive programmers exist for the Atmega, but after many hours of research, we have put together this guide to explain how to program the Atmega without the use of a programmer. The programmer like AVR ISP MKII USB or STK500 is required only once before the Atmega can program itself. The key to self‐programming is Atmega’s bootloader capability.

Gather resources
Ensure that you have the following resources ready:

Atmega 324 (bootloader hex files are provided )
Ensure 16Mhz external crystal because bootloader is programmed for this frequency setting
STK500 or AVR ISP MKII USB Programmer (one‐time use)
Latest version of AVR Studio – Download from Atmel’s website
Install MegaLoad.Net program (provided)
Make a note of the location of bootLoader_512Byte_Atmega324_9600bps.hex file.
Power up your PCB and connect the ISP programming cable to your PCB.

Program the BootLoader
1. Open AVR Studio and choose to connect to your Atmega to program the bootloader
AVR Studio Tools Program AVR Connect
2. Either choose STK500 and COM port or AVR ISP MKII USB depending on your programmer
3. Ensure correct chip type is selected by going to “Program” tab and selecting “Atmega324P”


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4. Go to “Board” Tab and select “125Khz” ISP Frequency and click “Write”

5. Go to “Fuses” tab and choose the following configuration ‐ note the 5 check marks and uncheck everything else:

6. Choose “Program” to program the fuse bits.
7. Go back to “Board” Tab and select “1Mhz” and click “Write”


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8. Go to the “Program” Tab and click on the “…” button next to “Input HEX File” under FLASH section and browse to bootLoader_Atmega324_9600bps.hex file and hit Program button:

9. You have successfully loaded the bootloader software.



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