Uso do Geoprocessamento para Territorialização do Espaço Urbano de Jacobina,
Segundo Áreas de Ocorrências Criminais no Período de 2007 a 2008.
Danilo Ribeiro Costa Santos¹
José Alves de Jesus¹
²Universidade do Estado da Bahia – UNEB (Campus IV)
Rua J.J. Seabra, s/n – Estação – Jacobina – Bahia – 44700-000 danilo.direc16@yahoo.com.br gpsbahia@yahoo.com.br
Abstract. This paper presents a methodology for applying the techniques of geprocessing as a valuable tool in understanding the criminal occurrences in the town of Jacobina - BA for the years 2007 and 2008. Moreover, it seeks to analyze the relationships between the size time of these occurrences and their relationship to the place where these events occurred. Thus, the products generated from the methodology does not deal only with a map of the place or people and their actions in this place, but a map of criminal events caused by people in different times in this space. The methodology was based on data collected through police reports, these data represents the absolute number of incidents recorded and the type of crimes recorded. The data were taken from the
Bulletin of Events related to thefts, robberies and homicides in the period 2007 to 2008. Were subsequently stored in a database created in GIS software SPRING and georeferenced as polygons that represent the neighborhoods in the area of the town of Jacobina-Ba. Thus it was possible to generate thematic maps and point range by region that allowed a review and study the phenomenon in that urban area. We seek to provide it with a better understanding of the phenomenon of crime in the intra-urban scale and at the same time develop methodologies aimed at public safety planning.
Key Words: Geoprocessing, Jacobina, Criminal Occurrence, thematic maps.
1. Introdução
A segurança pública no Brasil é uma das maiores preocupações da