Modelo Atômico
Hello! Welcome to Borjusahan newspaper, every night, at 08:00 p.m, on Channel 9! In New York, during the month there were many deaths and there are rumors of people claiming to have seen paranormal activity, others say just be silly of gangs running loose out there, but after all ... who's behind all this? Sarah, could you tell us what's going there?
Goodnight Julia Brock, we're in live transmission in New York, a girl who’s have 16 years old was killed near an ancient building, people claim to be this man killed the girl, we talk to him:
Excuse me sir, are you aware about what happened?
(borsoi out running and screaming) (grita e corre)
No, I'm not aware of anything, I’m not guilty, I swear!
-We are not accusing anyone sir.
That's a shame! You do not have any evidence against me!
(runs away again) (corre de novo)
Private recordings of people who are near the scene of the crime:
Borsoi- '' who did the crime is something paranormal, not human''
(Julia) Besides these, there are many other legends that people insist that the acts come to be paranormal.
A história conta que um determinado casal de namorados que o eram escondido dos pais resolveram se casar sem que os pais soubessem, iniciaram todos os preparativos e no dia do casamento resolveram faze-lo em outra cidade, alguns colocam que eles eram de Palestina e iam para São José, outros contam que o sentido foi contrário, independente disso a história conta que no trajeto de uma cidade para a outra ocorreu um acidente, segundo alguns o carro saiu da estrada ao desviar de um animal na estrada e segundo outros o carro parou e ao descer para saber o motivo a noiva foi atropelada, neste caso também existem versões que dizem que ela foi atropelada