Long term evolution

22764 palavras 92 páginas
LTE RF Network Design Guidelines
AT&T Mobility Network Services Document: ND-00369 Overview
This document provides the minimum guidelines that should be followed for all the AT&T Long Term Evolution (LTE) network designs.

Rev. 1.1 May 2010

IMPORTANT: This document supports the following policy letter(s): - None Any changes to this document must go through the network document update process outlined at http://ns.cingular.net/createpl.aspx prior to publishing to the Network Document Library.

ND-00369 Rev.1.1 05/20/2010

AT&T Proprietary (Internal Use Only) Not for use or disclosure outside the AT&T companies except under written agreement

Page 1 of 112 © 2010 AT&T

LTE RF Network Design Guidelines

Contributors......................................................................................................................................... 5 0. About This Document....................................................................................................................... 6 0.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 6 0.2 Scope .......................................................................................................................................... 6 0.3 Audience ..................................................................................................................................... 6 0.4 Related Documentation............................................................................................................... 7 0.5 Acronyms and Terms .................................................................................................................. 7 0.6 Trademarks ................................................................................................................................. 9 0.7 Conventions


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