hidrogênio em carros
Clayton Vinicius Ferraz
GM do Brasil - Centro Tecnológico
Av. Goias, 2769 - CT 2
09550-051–São Caetano do Sul - Brasil
E-mail: cvferraz@uol.com.br
Prof. Dr. Decio Crisol Donha
Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica
Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 2231, Cidade Universitária
05508-900 – São Paulo - Brasil
E-mail: decdonha@usp.br
This work discusses automotive powertrain controlled systems, classified as traditional, hybrid or alternative propulsion systems. The text describes the application and development stages of the most promising technologies, including internal combustion engines, transmissions, electrical systems and fuel technologies. The work includes a discussion on future automotive propulsion systems, leading to the fuel cell solution, which unfortunately does not have a reasonable development time for market applications. Hybrid electrical vehicles based on batteries are then presented as an intermediate and alternative feasible solution. In the assessment section, the paper analyzes hybrid vehicles in details according to classification, systems and functionality.
Furthermore, the work presents a case with the definition of an optimal solution for a hybrid vehicle under economical, environmental and technical aspects. In that case study, results of mathematical model simulations, using software ADVISOR 2002, validates the physical viability of the proposed model. Accomplished results are presented in a conclusion section, showing that the proposed solution satisfies the specifications in many aspects, whereas new alternatives for future work are proposed.
Keywords: powertrain, hybrid vehicles, vehicle simulation, pollution, Advisor,
Resumo. Este trabalho versa sobre os sistemas controlados de propulsão veicular, classificando-os em propulsão convencional, híbrida ou alternativa. Isto facilita o agrupamento em