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hierarquia, paternalismo nas relações, apego ao poder, dentre outras. Tais diferenças são importantes na definição dos processos internos, na relação com inovações e mudança, na formação dos valores e crenças organizacionais e políticas de recursos humanos. Na conclusão, salienta os aspectos fundamentais a serem considerados quando lidar com a cultura de organizações públicas no Brasil. Palavras-chaves: 1) Cultura; 2) Cultura Organizacional; 3) Organizações Públicas no Brasil. Abstract The objective of this article is to present and discuss concepts and approaches that contribute for the comprehension of aspects and traces of publical organization culture on Brazil. For that, it is divided in two parts, the first presents and discuss the concepts and different approaches on culture and organizational culture, specifically that of Fleury, Frost, Schein and Hofstede. The second part goes deep on the culture of public organizations, presenting a small history of public organizations on Brazil, followed by concepts and characteristics of public organizations on Brazil, as well as it presents an schedule for future research. The reference of the good management in the public organizations never was the productivity or the bussinessmanship. The express organizational culture in the public organizations has little to have with attributes as bussinessmanship, capacity of innovation, audacity or ability technique. What the culture of public organizations values in the public worker is its capacity to conciliate interests, to pacify conflicts and to present what it is not. Therefore, she is clear a culture that becomes the vulnerable public organizations politics interference. Key-words: 1) Culture; 2) Organizational Culture; 3) Publical Organizations On Brazil. XIX ENANGRAD Curitiba, PR, 01 a 03 de outubro de 2008
O mundo do trabalho passa por profundas transformações. Temáticas como a globalização, flexibilização, competitividade, novas formas de