Estrutura e organização da educação

2614 palavras 11 páginas
Faculdade Anhanguera de Sorocaba
Curso: Pedagogia

Disciplina: Estrutura e Organização da Educação Brasileira


Professor: Msc. Djalma Silveira


At present the education is considered one of the most important sectors for the development of a nation. It is through the production of knowledge that a country grows, increasing his income and quality of life. Though Brazil has advanced very much in the last decades still has much to be done. The school, in general mode, specially in courses of graduation, it was transformed in object of social and familiar ascent. An study carried out by a state newspaper indicates what a third of the Brazilians frequent daily the school. There are some years behind, when we, components of the group we were childish, the news sections were publishing constantly reports on the alarming level of the illiteracy in Brazil. News as those is not seen more how before, as a matter of fact, today one speaks on the danger of the digital illiteracy. Nowadays the opportunities are different, the old ones learn to write with the grandchildren or in programs like education of young persons and adults, results of the social and education advancement. The constitutional process suffers changes in the education from the constitution of 1988, such changes took place due to the economical, social, political and cultural disorders, turning in an intense conflict between government organizations, producing brusque alterations of customs and conducts, having so, the necessity of creation and alterations of laws, for which they look the reality to adapt, influencing in the practice of citizenship. Because of a necessity and the demand of the society, to what it refers to the education created education standards that were including the dynamic one and the pedagogic science, which does not adapt the Brazilian reality. So, a law was established for the


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