
9807 palavras 40 páginas
englishUnit 14 – Word list

1) Coach: A coach is a person who teaches sports.
My coach gets very excited during games.

Control: To control something is to make it do what you want.
To control the TV just push the buttons.

Description: A description of someone or something says what they are like. I gave a description of the man with the gun and hat to the police Direct: If something is direct it goes straight between two places.
The green path is a direct route to my house

Exam: An exam is a test
I did some practices question from them math exam on the board

Example: An example of something is a thing that is typical of it.
Cola is an example of a soft drink

Limit: A limit is the largest or smallest amount of something that you are allowed
My mother put a limit on how much I could use the phone.

Local: If something is local it is nearby
The local market in my neighborhood sells all the food we need.

Magical: Magical describes a quality that make someone or something special
The fireworks made the night sky look so magical.

Mail: Mail is letteres and other things sent to people
I get a lot of mail because I have friends all over the world.

Novel: A novel is a book that tells a story
He wrote a great novel about Ancient China.

Outline: An outline is the plan for a story or essay.
Before I wrote my essay I made an outline

Poet: A poet is a person who writes poems.
Willian Shakspeare was one of the greatesr poets.

Print: To print something is to put onto to paper.
Make surethat you print your name clearly.

Scene: A Scene is one part of a book or a movie
A movie is made up pf many short pieces of scenes
Made up of: COMPOSTO

Sheet: A Sheet is a thin fin flat piece of paper.
I only needed a single sheet of paper to do my homework

Silly: If someone or something is silly they show a lack of thought.
I made a silly mistake of dropping mom´s vase.

Store: A store is a place where you


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