
1060 palavras 5 páginas





peter moor

sarah cunningham






Module 1
Common words Numbers 0-21 Days of the week Numbers 1-100 4 4 4 4

Module 4
Present simple: Spelling Present simple with he/she/it Short answers Negatives Positives and negatives Questions Vocabulary booster: Everyday activities like, love, hate + -ing Listen and read: An Englishman's home Pronouns Adverbs of frequency Activity verbs Word order: frequency adverbs, auxiliaries Pronunciation: Plural nouns with ISI, m and IIZI Asking politely Apostrophes Improve your writing: A paragraph about a friend 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27

Module 1
Names and countries Personal information: be Nationalities Vocabulary booster: More countries and nationalities is or are Negative sentences Short answers Possessive adjectives Indefinite article: a(n) Vocabulary: Jobs be: personal questions Listen and read: People from different places Punctuation: Capital letters Improve your writing: Addresses in English Pronunciation: 10/, teu and teu 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9

Module 5
Vocabulary: Means of transport Prepositions can/can't Short answers Articles: a and the most, a lot of, some, not many Listen and read: Transport statistics Real life: Catching planes and trains Asking questions Pronunciation: The letter a Vocabulary booster: On a plane Improve your writing: Completing an immigration form 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 32 32 32 33

Module 2
Identifying objects: this, that, these, those a/an or no article with objects and plurals have/has got Questions and short answers 's = is or has Adjectives and nouns Vocabulary booster: More everyday objects Vocabulary: Family vocabulary Listen and read: A famous family Possessive's Spelling: Plurals Pronunciation: The sounds Isl and Izl Prepositions Question words Improve your writing: Combining sentences Writing about your family 10 10


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