Gírias Atuais do Inglês
5ª Reimpressão
© 2004 Jack Scholes
Coordenação editorial
Paulo Nascimento Verano
Mário Vilela
Capa e projeto gráfico
Paula Astiz
Foreword, David Crystal
Prefácio, David Crystal
Scholes, Jack
Slang : gírias atuais do inglês / Jack Scholes. — 1. ed. —
São Paulo : Disal, 2004.
ISBN 85–89533–14–X
1. Inglês — Gíria — Dicionários I. Título.
Índices para catálogo sistemático:
1. Dicionários de gírias : Inglês : Lingüística 427.0903
2. Gírias : Inglês : Dicionários : Lingüística 427.0903
3. Inglês : Gírias : Dicionários : Lingüística 427.0903
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Editoração eletrônica
Melissa Yukie Kawaoku / Paula Astiz Design
Glossário Português-Inglês
I follow a single basic principle in my approach to language. Anything which helps people to appreciate the real linguistic world is a good thing. The operative word is real.
Why is it necessary to make such an obvious statement? Because during the middle of the eighteenth century, the study of language became patently unreal. Generations of prescriptively minded grammarians and dictionarywriters tried to make us believe that only one variety of language was ever worth studying — the most formal, written variety — and they judged speech in terms of how far it approximated to that variety. The surprising thing is that, for 250 years, they succeeded. Many people have been taught to