ENEGEP1999 A0067
6182 palavras
25 páginas
Claudia Fatima Morais dos Santos
Doutoranda em Engenharia de Produção - COPPE/UFRJ
Av. Brigadeiro Trompowisk s/n, CT, Bloco F, Sala F109
CEP: 21945-970 Rio de Janeiro – RJ - Brasil e-mail: cmsantos@rio.nutecnet.com.br
Área Temática: Gestão Ambiental
Nowadays with the greater trademark of manufactured products between the various countries surged the necessity of international padronization of these ones. In order to get that, it were created norms and international legislations so that it could assure that these products traded in the world could be conformed with a determinated quality pattern. Between the various international norms, two are directly related with quality: they are norms of management quality (ISO 9000) and environmental management (ISO 14000).
Concerning to environmental management in the packaging sector, objective of this paper, one of the world tendencies is a increasing adaptation of packagings to environmental laws.
On this stage, considering the international trade market of products and the environmental question, especially in packaging sector, this paper presents the various stages and objectives of environmental management in enterprises, detaching the importancy of implementing this management by those industries that desire continue competitives in market, mainly those that have potencial to exportation.
On a second stage, this paper exemplify a case of environmental management in enterprise that was well succeed on a packaging sector and that culminated in certification (ISO 14001). It is concerned with the packaging industry Tetra Pak, leader in Brasil on aseptic packagings for liquid and semiliquid foods (milk, juices, and others). This packaging is mostly trade knowled as long life.
KEYWORDS: environmental management, packaging industry, the case Tetra Pak
Atualmente com o maior fluxo da comercialização de mercadorias e bens de consumo