Effects of temperature and nutrient regimes on biomass and lipid production

7376 palavras 30 páginas
Bioresource Technology 129 (2013) 439–449

Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect

Bioresource Technology journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/biortech

Effects of temperature and nutrient regimes on biomass and lipid production by six oleaginous microalgae in batch culture employing a two-phase cultivation strategy Michael Y. Roleda ⇑,1, Stephen P. Slocombe 1, Raymond J.G. Leakey, John G. Day, Elanor M. Bell,
Michele S. Stanley
Scottish Association for Marine Science, Scottish Marine Institute, Oban, Argyll PA37 1QA, Scotland, UK


graphical abstract

" Nutrient and temperature



interactively affect growth but no additive effect on lipid accumulation of oleaginous microalgae.
Growth rate and fatty acid content were negatively correlated.
Triacylglycerol accumulation was a default response to environmental stress. Stress conditions led to reduced fatty acid unsaturation.
Nutrient limitation was the most critical factor affecting lipid metabolism. article


Article history:
Received 20 June 2012
Received in revised form 6 November 2012
Accepted 7 November 2012
Available online 19 November 2012
Fatty acid
Stress physiology

Commercial success of algal-based biofuels depends on growth characteristics and lipid metabolism of the production species. The oleaginous microalgae, Thalassiosira pseudonana, Odontella aurita, Nannochloropsis oculata, Isochrysis galbana, Chromulina ochromonoides, and Dunaliella tertiolecta, were cultivated under a matrix of two temperatures (10 and 20 °C) and two nutrient regimes (deplete and replete).
For all species, a strong negative correlation between growth rate and lipid content was observed. Multiple stressors have no additive effect on lipid accumulation. Total oil content (fatty acid methyl esters,
FAMEs, pg cellÀ1) was increased more by nutrient limitation than by temperature stress. In


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