Economy, ecology & spirituality: toward a theory and practice of sustainability
A feature of the People-Centered Development Forum, Release Date September 19, 1993
ANGOC, IRED Asia and the PCDForum
A growing gap between rich and poor and accelerating environmental and social disintegration offer powerful testimony to the failure of conventional development practice in countries of both South and North. This failure has given birth to a global effort to build commitment to an alternative citizen's vision of human progress grounded in commitment to just, inclusive, and sustainable human societies. This effort has been handicapped in its confrontation with the forces of the status quo by its lack of an alternative theory and practice. This paper presents the outlines of such a theory and practice grounded in the premise that the sustainablility crisis is a direct consequence of development's contribution to accelerating the historical processes by which the human species has become increasingly alienated from its spiritual connection to nature and community. A sustainable social practice must decentralize and distribute economic power in ways that facilitate the restoration of this connection.
The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) focused world attention on the subject of sustainable development. Yet the official debates revealed little willingness on the part of the world's governments and multilateral agencies to address the transformative changes our collective global dilemma actually demands. The implicit order of priority in the first substantive chapter of Agenda 21 (Chapter 2) was trade, development, and environment. Its first admonition was to provide a supportive international climate for: "Promoting sustainable development through trade liberalization." It seemed that trade liberalization was the chapter's first concern. Indeed it explicitly admonished that environmental protection measures must not be allowed to interfere