Palavras-chave: Direito das Coisas; Posse; Usucapião.
Abstract: This article seeks, with the surveys, demonstrate important characteristics acquired with the social function of property, in particular, the adverse possession. To achieve the proposed intention from the outset, we make a historical overview on the Law of Things. In addition, make allusions to the origins of some legal device, characterized as the Posse, both in Brazil and worldwide. They come also the requirements, basic, that anyone has the right of ownership of something, which at first is not for sale and so little is in agreement with its former owner. Like reading, it appears that the new Brazilian Civil Code allows deadlines for certain minor forms of adverse possession and establishing requirements peculiar to their forms, in short, the property meets both rural and urban.
Keywords: Law of Things, Possession, Adverse Possession.
A importância conferida à propriedade pela humanidade, em geral, tornou-se incontestável. Enquanto no mundo animal, pode-se observar que a maioria das espécies se preocupa, apenas, com a detenção do indispensável à