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Atenção primária, atenção básica e saúde da família: sinergias e singularidades do contexto brasileiro
Primary health care, basic health care, and family health program: synergies and singularities in the Brazilian context
Célia Regina Rodrigues Gil
1 Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade
Estadual de Londrina,
Londrina, Brasil.
C. R. R. Gil
Departamento de Saúde
Coletiva, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade
Estadual de Londrina.
Av. Robert Koch 60,
Londrina, PR
86038-440, Brasil. 1
This article analyzes the concepts of primary health care, basic health care, and family health care as used in official documents by the Brazilian Ministry of Health, final reports of the National Conferences on Health and Human Resources, the Basic Operational Ruling on Human Resources, and texts accessed on-line by
BIREME. The data analysis, through double-entry matrices, showed a lack of these references in
Brazilian health policy formulation and implementation. Basic Operational Ruling 96 (NOB/96) plays a distinct role in this regard; the national conference reports show an important gap in this debate, and most of the published articles present the concepts of primary care and basic care with the meaning of health unit or local service. Articles on the Family Health Program refer to it more as a program than a strategy, and the articles analyzing such concepts show the influence of rationalities underlying the different strategies for organization of health services in the Brazilian scenario, namely Health
Surveillance and Programmatic Actions in Health and in Defense of Life.
Este artigo analisa os conceitos de Atenção Primária, Atenção Básica e Saúde da Família, presentes no cenário da reforma sanitária brasileira, no que se refere ao modelo de atenção à saúde e organização dos serviços municipais que, na trajetória da descentralização foram sendo incorporados paulatinamente em nosso