Colonização espanhola
Abstract: The goal of this text is to work with the movie "Tristan and Isolde" showing the importance of the cinematographic image for contemporary history. Our objective is to demonstrate how the so called historical movies suffer influence of the society that produce them. The relationship of this article is to show how the movie industry represents and sees the Medieval Times nowadays, using the movie "Tristan and Isolde" for this analisys. A time in history that was charachterized in a variety of ways. It was called during the Renaissance as "Dark Age" because of the idea that those centuries would have delayed the European society since didin't present any transformation like the ones that began to occur in the 15th century. Key-words: History-Cinema - Medieval Times - Cultural History
Graduando em História pela Universidade Severino Sombra.
O objetivo deste texto é trabalhar, utilizando o filme “Tristão e Isolda” (REYNOLDS, 2006), a importância da imagem cinematográfica para a historiografia contemporânea mostrando como o chamado filme-histórico sofre