Choque séptico

4500 palavras 18 páginas

Avaliação do Conhecimento dos Profissionais da Área de Medicina de Urgência sobre os Critérios de Definição de SIRS, Sepse, Sepse grave e Choque Séptico*.
Analysis of Knowledge among Emergency Medicine Physicians about Systemic Inflammatory Responses Syndrome (SIRS), Sepsis, Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock Definitions Criteria.
Marcos Longo Pizzolatti1, Rachel Duarte Moritz2, Joel de Andrade3.

SUMMARY BACKgRoUnD AnD oBJECTIVES: Knowledge regarding definition criteria of sepsis among physicians who work in emergency units has a central role in the management of such a condition because it allows early diagnosis, immediate treatment and may modify its outcomes in a positive way. The objective of this study is to evaluate the knowledge of the medical staff who works in emergency and intensive care units about the definitions of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS), sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock. METHoDS: It was conducted as a transversal study that evaluated doctors who work on morning and afternoon shift, dayly, in the largest hospitals of Florianópolis. Statistical analysis was performed through Chi-square and Fisher´s Exact tests. A questionnaire was applied, by the researcher, to the target group of the study (about 46 doctors). RESUlTS: Twenty five of the doctors answered the questionnaire, totalizing 54% of the whole population. These professionals demonstrated an adequate knowledge, performing a total of 54.8% of accurate answers. SIRS and sepsis were the best known terms. Severe sepsis and septic shock were those with the worst score of accuracy. Age had no influence on their ability to answer the analyzed questions correctily (p = NS). Previous professional experience and the title of especialist in intensive care medicine influenced positively on their knowledge regarding the definitions of sepsis and SIRS (p < 0.05) but had no influence on the knowledge of severe sepsis and septic shock definitions.


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