He/she accomplishes to notice, before everything, that the history of the ethics as philosophical discipline is more limited in the time and in the material treaty than the history of the humanity's moral ideas. This last history understands the study of all of the norms that you/they regulated the human conduct since the prehistoric times to our days. That study is not alone philosophical or historical-philosophical, but also social. For this reason, the history of the moral ideas - or, one prefer to eliminate the term "history", the description of the several groups of moral ideas - it is a theme that you/they are in charge of such disciplines as the sociology and anthropology. Now, the existence of moral ideas and of moral attitudes it doesn't implicate, however, the presence of a discipline philosophical matter. Like this, for instance, they can be studied the attitudes and moral ideas of several primitive people, or of the oriental people, or of Jews, or of the Egyptians, etc., without the resulting material unavoidably should be framed in the history of the ethics. In our opinion, consequently, there is only history of the ethics in the extent of the history of the philosophy. Nevertheless, the history of the ethics acquires, per times, a considerable width, for as it is difficult, frequently, to establish a rigorous separation among the moral systems - own object of the ethics - and the group of norms and predominant attitudes of moral character in a given society or in a certain historical phase. In order to solve