Palavras-chave: Pais, filhos, Alienação Parental, escola, Mediação escolar.
Abstract: This article aims to present psychological aspects of the school's involvement in the process of introducing the Parental Alienation Syndrome in children during marital conflict between parents and their consequences. Many alienator parents/mothers require that the school prevent access to he other parent. The child also features a number of symptoms, such as falling academic achievement or behavior problems at school or with excessive streamlining of studies to avoid conflict. Finally, the article deals with the importance of School Mediation as a way to ameliorate the symptoms of child academic achievement in parental disputes.
Key words: Parents, children, Parental Alienation, school, School Mediation.
Sumário: 1. O que é a Síndrome de Alienação Parental? 2. Diferenças entre Alienação Parental e Síndrome de Alienação Parental – a tipificação legal. 3. Quando a escola é envolvida na Alienação Parental. 4. Considerações finais.