American literature

618 palavras 3 páginas
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Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Centro de Comunicação e Expressão
Departamento de Língua e Literatura Estrangeiras
Curso de Licenciatura em Letras/Inglês Professoras: Denise de Mesquita Corrêa Magali Sperling Beck Tutores UFSC: Raphael de Boer Renata Gomes Sarah de Sousa Silvestre Designer Instrucional: Daniela Maria Ioppi
Aluno: Alvonir da Silva
Data: 06 de maio de 2012.


The scene from the film “Crash”, by director Paul Haggis, shows a reality that still exists all over the world, in this case, in The United States, where the problem regarding racism is seen everyday in many different places. In the scene, we can notice that the woman, even without knowing better the man who was fixing the door of her house, refused to have the work done by him as soon as she knew that he was an immigrant. Unfortunately suspicion and discrimination are widely present all around, mainly in Europe and in The United States. In the 60’s, in The United States, immigrants and black people did not have the same rights than Americans had. There was much discrimination and social rights were widely restricted. Job, education and health were scarce and they suffered constant humiliation. Due to such bad treatment suffered by back people and immigrants, mainly from Mexico, in the effervescence of the 60’s a new one postmodernist movement appeared in the United States. People fought for their civil rights, for equality and respect. The members of this movement were known as the Chicanos (Mexican-Americans), who begun to make themselves heard. They wanted to be recognized as a part of the American Civilization (De Boer, Sperling, 2012, p.97). At that


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