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The Pilot Program to Conserve the Brazilian Rain Forest

It's time for Brazil
Federal Government of Brazil President of the Republic Fernando Henrique Cardoso Minister of the Environment, Water Resources and the Legal Amazon Gustavo Krause Gonqalves Sobrinho Executive Secretary Sergio Moreira Secretary for the Coordination ofAmazon Affairs Jose Seixas Lourenso

World Bank Rain Forest Unit SCN Quadra 01 Lote A Ed. Corporate Financial Center, Conj. 303/304 70.712-900 Brasilia D.F., Brasil Telefone (55-61) 329-1000; Fax (55-61) 329-1012 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433, USA Telephone (202) 473-0596; Fax (202) 522-2105 Conservation and Development of Brazil 's Tropical Forest Regions

Conservation and Development of Brazil's Tropical Forest Regions

Agroforestry Experiences in the Brazilian Amazon: Constraints and Opportunities by Nigel Smith, Jean Dubois, Dean Current, Ernst Lutz, & Charles Clement

The Pilot Program to Conserve the Brazilian Rain Forest 1998

Smith, N., J. Dubois, D. Current, E. Lutz, & C. Clement. 1998. Agroforestry Experiences in the Brazilian Amazon: Constraints cnd Opportunities. The Pilot Program to Conserve the Brazilian Rain Forest, Brasilia. Brazil.

Nigel Smith is a Professor in the Department of Geography, University of Florida. Gainesville, Florida, USA. Jean Dubois is Director of the Brazilian Agroforestry Network (REFBRAF), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Dean Current is a forest economist at the Center for Research and Training in Tropical Agriculture (CATIE). Turrialba, Costa Rica. Ernst Lutz is a Senior Resource Economistat the World Bank, Washington,D.C., USA. Charles Clement is a Senior Researcher in the Department of Agronomy, National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA),


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