
7606 palavras 31 páginas

Signos, significados e práticas de manejo da crise em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial*
Mônica Lima1
Vládia Jamile dos Santos Jucá2
Mônica de Oliveira Nunes3
Vitória Eugênia Ottoni4

LIMA, M. et al. Signs, meanings and practices of crisis management in psychosocial care centers. Interface - Comunic., Saude, Educ., v.16, n.41, p.423-34, abr./jun. 2012.

In this article, we discuss the meanings attributed by families and professionals to mental health crisis situations and their relationships with the technologies used in caring for users of psychosocial care centers in Bahia and Sergipe. We were inspired by the theoretical-methodological model of the system of signs, meanings and practices, using qualitative research techniques. We organized the data into two categories: signs and meanings of crises; and care strategies and difficulties.
We observed that there was not much difference between professionals’ and families’ conceptions about crises, and that negative meanings supplanted positive meanings, thus evoking the concepts of subjection to disease, incapacity for rational social interaction and dangerousness of the patient. Two issues are important in managing crises: their unpredictability and their relationship to the individual’s history. To overcome the management difficulties, investment in soft and soft-hard technologies based on durable bonds and intensification of care is necessary.

Neste artigo discutimos significados atribuídos pelos familiares e profissionais às situações de crise em saúde mental e suas relações com as tecnologias empregadas no cuidado de usuários de
CAPS na Bahia e em Sergipe. Inspiramonos no modelo teórico-metodológico de
Sistema de signos, significados e práticas, utilizando técnicas qualitativas de pesquisa. Organizamos os dados em duas categorias: os signos e significados de crise; as estratégias e as dificuldades no seu cuidado. Observamos que não há muita diferença entre as concepções de profissionais e familiares
