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It’s full name and acronym – Women’s aid Federation of England / WAFEHow to contact it- Freephone 24 hour National domestic violence helpline / PHONE: 0808 2000 247 / Email: helpline@womensaid.org.uk
A detailed description of its aims-They believe that everyone has a right to live in safety and to have a future without fear.
Their aims are to:
• Empower women who have been affected by domestic violence;
• Meet the needs of children affected by domestic violence;
• Provide services run by women which are based on listening to survivors;
• Challenge the disadvantages which result from domestic violence;
• Support and reflect diversity and promote equality of opportunity;
• Promote cohesive inter-agency responses to domestic violence and develop partnerships;
What they do - Women's Aid is the international domestic violence charity that helps up to 250,000 women and children every year. They work to end violence against women and children, and support over 500 domestic and sexual violence services across the country.
Esta organização promove campanhas de angariação de bens para ajudar as mulheres e crianças vítimas de violência doméstica e sexual.
Their scope of action
Este projeto têm o objetivo de ajudar as mulheres e crianças vítimas da violência doméstica.
The scope of the Face Facts campaign is enormous. The complexities of domestic abuse and the impact it has on women and children should not be underestimated – and it can happen to anyone.
Their achievements
Last year, because of the help of people, the support of the public, concerned companies and other organizations, Women’s Aid helped 260,000 women and children to survive domestic violence, providing the support they needed to begin rebuilding their lives following abuse.
In the last year, there have been many developments at Women’s Aid including two new bills: the Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Bill and the Children Bill.
Women’s Aid work to end domestic violence