A inserção da saúde bucal
Oral health in the Brazilian Family Health Program: from the university to training centers
1 Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru, Universidade de São Paulo, Bauru, Brasil.
N. E. Tomita
Departamento de Odontopediatria, Ortodontia e Saúde Coletiva, Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru, Universidade de São Paulo. Al. Dr. Octávio Pinheiro Brisolla 9-75, Vila Universitária, Bauru, SP 17012-901, Brasil. netomita@usp.br
This study focuses on dentistry professors’ and students’ concepts concerning the dentist’s role in the Family Health Program (FHP) and pro- poses a contribution to training at the Centers for Continuing Education. A qualitative re- search method was use to construct a collective subject’s discourse, based on taped interviews. The study covered three institutions of higher education in dentistry, located in the munici- palities of Lins and Bauru, São Paulo State, Brazil, with two focus groups, consisting of fac- ulty and students, respectively. After the organi- zation of the collective subject’s discourse by fo- cus group, it was observed that both faculty and students display concepts-in-progress in rela- tion to the dentist’s role in public health. This suggests the need for greater involvement by higher education in public health services, in order to fill some gaps in training and practice by dentists in the FHP.
Family Health Program; Oral Health; Higher Education; Qualitative Research
Patrícia Elizabeth de Souza Matos 1 Nilce Emy Tomita 1
Diante da necessidade de ampliar a atenção à saúde bucal da população brasileira, o Minis- tério da Saúde, em 2000, estabeleceu incentivo financeiro para a inserção das ações de saúde bucal, por meio da contratação do cirurgião- dentista, atendente de consultório dentário e técnico de higiene dentária nas equipes do Pro- grama Saúde da Família (PSF) 1.
Concomitante a isso, o