
658 palavras 3 páginas


1) Assinale a alternativa em que a frase está com o tempo verbal incorreto. a- John always sends letters to Mary. b- She often studies hard. c- I goes to the theatre every week d- You are very important to me. e- The book is on the table.
2) Em uma das frases abaixo, o Simple Present não está devidamente colocado. a- Jack seldom helps anybody. b- Cats like fish. c- Mary Will study when her mother does the same. d- Josephine buys a car yesterday. e- When John arrives, please let me know.
3) Assinale V ou F nas frases abaixo. a- Bears like honey. ( V ) b- Everybody is arriving now. ( F ) c- Something here is smelling bad. ( V ) d- She is knowing that you are here. ( F ) e- I am recognizing her now. ( F )
4) Substitua as expressões grifadas por pronomes pessoais ou possessivos. a- We Love Mary and Suzy. Resp. ( We love theirs.) b- Mr. Walker is here. ( He is here.) c- John gave a gift to Mary. ( John garie a gift to she.) d- Mary and I are friends. ( We are friends ) e- Jack likes Jonathan and me. ( Jack likes he and me. )
5) Assinale a alternativa correta. a- I cut myself yesterday. b- They saw de child byself. c- I itself did all that work. d- Come and play this piano by themselves. e- Mary yourself stopped the train.
6) Julgue as frases abaixo ,quando ao Simple Present e assinale V ou F. a- She teaches English. ( V ) b- He washs cars. ( F ) c- John Kisses Jeanne everyday. ( V ) d- I study a lot. ( V ) e- Mary and Jonh goes to London every year. ( V )

7) Julgue as frases abaixo , quanto ao Simple Past e assinale V ou F. a- Francis leaved home yesterday. ( V ) b- I


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