Utilização do geoprocessamento no licenciamento ambiental, para mapeamento, quantificação e monitoramento de manguezais
Monica Correa1
Bruno Barros de Souza1
José Damião de Melo1
Genival Nunes Silva1
Aline Oliveira Moura1
Francisco Freitas Santos1
Halesio Milton Correa de Barros Neto1
Maria Cleusa Guimarães1
Marly Menezes Santos1
Paulo Henrique Amorim da Silva2
Administração Estadual do Meio Ambiente - ADEMA
Av. Heráclito Rollemberg, 4444, - 49030-640 – DIA - Aracaju
{monica.correa, bruno.souza, damiao.melo, genival.silva, aline.moura, franscisco.santos, halesio.santos, mariacleusa.guimaraes, marly.santos}@adema.se.gov.br
Santiago & Cintra Consultoria Ltda.
Rua Vieira de Morais, 420 - 04617-000 - Campo Belo - São Paulo paulo.amorim@sccon.com.br Abstract. Mangroves have a important role in maintenance of environmental quality on coastal areas. Human activities has been responsible for extensive damages to these biomes despite its importance. Researchers estimate the area losses around 1% a 2% each year. This rate of losses shows the urgency of creation of public policies to preserve this biome. The remote sensing and geoprocessing has been turning in a greatly efficient tool to manage soil occupation and uses all around the world. Following this modeling of a process to mapping and quantifying mangrove areas, became an important step to creation and exercise of actions to conserve the remnant mangrove areas. Using RapidEye images of the interest areas, and applying the software ERDAS
Imagine Professional to geoprocess the images, we found 25626,24 hectares of mangrove in the Sergipe State.
The value found corresponds to 1,17% of the total territorial area. The actual mangrove areas are concentrated on four regions. These regions are located around the Piauí, Vaza Barris, Sergipe e São Francisco rivers.