Trav Es
Relatório do Projeto Final / Dissertação do MIEM
Orientador na FEUP: Prof. José Ferreira Duarte
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Mecânica
Julho 2012
Projecto de um monolugar – Dimensionamento do Sistema de Travagem
Elson A. Pina
Projecto de um monolugar – Dimensionamento do Sistema de Travagem
À minha família, amigos e pelo desporto automóvel...
Elson A. Pina
Projecto de um monolugar – Dimensionamento do Sistema de Travagem
Elson A. Pina
Projecto de um monolugar – Dimensionamento do Sistema de Travagem
This thesis addresses the design of a single-seat tubular chassis powered by super sport bike engine. The addressed topic is the dimensioning and component selection of the single-seater braking system.
The braking system is a very important issue regarding active security, although in this case it adopts an extra importance as this system will be preponderant in order to win races. In order to achieve this, it is crucial to maximize the resources and design the best possible braking system also aiming at minimizing project costs. This cost benefice ratio will be taken into account in all decisions made throughout this work.
The study bases itself on determining the components to use, such as brake discs, calipers, brake pads, and braking pumps. The literary research serves as guideline for inherent concepts for design of braking systems.
The design starts with the definition of intended vehicle type, as well as the goals intended for the system. The study bases is an iterative process, to which was developed a software based in Excel.
To finish the existing components on the market showing the best quality/cost ratio from the brand Wilwood were chosen to serve the intended requirements.
Elson A. Pina
Projecto de um monolugar – Dimensionamento do Sistema de Travagem
Elson A. Pina