
1832 palavras 8 páginas
A critical essay ‘Moral outrage at rioters fixes nothing: the only remedies are liberal’

This essay will discuss about some positive and negative, points of view, referring to the conflict written by Polly Toynbee, writer of the Guardian ‘Moral outrage at rioters fixes nothing: the only remedies are liberal’ article attached on 12th of August, 2011. In her article, she wrote about the last riots that happened in London and other cities of United Kingdom.

This essay will comment about the violence, crime and actions by the rioters, their attitudes and the consequences. It will criticize points such as unemployment, non-education, old and new welfare and the implications these have on the rioters; and emphasizing how the governments fail in their decisions which one is so implicit with another, analysing decision taken by politicians and their decisions.

It will mention about the non-education affecting employment; which t the inevitability effects people’s lives and that the old actions need to be revised to support the poor and transform life in Britain.

All of us know that crime and violence is very popular because attract a large numbers of viewers. It is therefore it is necessary for the police force to take account of their actions. However, all of us know too that some type of crimes are independent of our will, some crimes are made by our impulse.

The Guardian, September, 09, 2011, published an article saying that Mark Duggan, a man that had grown on the state in Tottenham was died during the riots. Mark Duggan death is a controversial case of crime, which was the initial revolt of the rioters. Analysing the behaviour of the rioters is perceived that they did not plan their violent attacks, in my point of view, the hysteria took account of the population that were devastated with the death of their dear one. It was a key point of this turmoil that Ms Toynbee did not mention in her article, and that was the match of problem. In any


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