September 20, 2011
Personal data
Name: Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras Birth date: January 11, 1967 Civil status: Married Nationality: Portuguese Postal Address: Rua do Cabeço, N.º12 3770-013 Bustos Portugal Phone: (+351) 234 753 571 (Home) / (+351) 91 836 50 77 (Mobile) E-mail: ID Card number: 7652656, issued at 31/1/2003, expiration date 20/9/2013 Passport number G891294, issued at 26/3/2004, expiration date 26/3/2014
Academic qualications
PhD degree in Electrotechnical Engineering, University of Aveiro, 2003, supervised by Professor Luís Miguel Pinho Almeida and co-supervised by Professor José Alberto Gouveia Fonseca;
degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering, University of Aveiro, 1997.
Teaching certications
For vocational training, by the
Instituto de Emprego e Formação Prossional, Portuguese Institute
for Employment and Vocational Training, Certicate number EDF 4513/98 DC; Certied by ExecuTrain, for vocational training.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) member, number 41569776;
Present and recent positions
Assistant Professor at the Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics Department of the University of Aveiro, since November 2008; Invited Assistant Professor at the Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics Department of the University of Aveiro, from October, 2003 to October 2008; Invited Teaching Assistant at the Electronics and Telecommunications Department of the University of Aveiro, from February to September 2003; Laboratory Assistant at the Electronics and Telecommunications Department of the University of Aveiro, October 2001 to February 2003;
Informatics Engineer at UNAVE - Associação para a Formação Prossional e Investigação da Universidade de Aveiro, from January 1998 to December 1999; Electronic and Informatics Engineer at the research department of RIAmolde,Lda,