Simulador de sinais de pcds

2160 palavras 9 páginas
Anais XV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto - SBSR, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 30 de abril a 05 de maio de 2011, INPE p.8978

Simulador de sinais de plataformas de coleta de dados (PCD’s) para testes de transponders do sistema brasileiro de coleta de dados (SBCD) Filipe Emanuel Vieira Taveiros 1,2 Orientador: Manoel Jozeane Mafra de Carvalho2 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN Caixa Postal 1524 - Campus Universitário Lagoa Nova | CEP 59072-970 | Natal/RN Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE Rua Carlos Serrano, 2073 - Lagoa Nova Natal - RN - Brasil - CEP 59076-740,
Abstract. This work consists in project, development and tests of a DAS (Data Acquisition System) signal simulator with the goal to test the transponder that will be embed on the ITASAT satellite. This transponder should comply with the Brazilian data collect system requirements. This software was developed in LabVIEW and is basically rooted as follows: The signals are acquired from a real DAS using the NI RF Signal Analyzer module, and recorded into the computer. After recorded, the software allow users to lag in time, attenuate, and sum all signals to create a new signal file based on the originals emitted by the DAS. With the new signal file, the PCD Simulator software will emit it using the NI RF Signal Generator, an arbitrary vector signal generator by National Instruments, into the input of the transponder to be tested. The main purpose is to test the response of the transponder to multiple signals at different power levels and noise, which are introduced at the same time or almost simultaneously. The correct response to multiple signals is of fundamental importance in the development of the transponder, since a misinterpretation of the input signal can result in erroneous measurements and compromises the environmental remote sensing, which is the main objective of the satellite project


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