Seven business tips

809 palavras 4 páginas
Top 7 Tips They Don’t Teach You In Business School

February 9, 2012
Leadership, Small and Medium Business

Rock The Post finds that the success of a business does not rely on how big and influential it is, how good the product is, or how well connected and established it is. Forget about all those factors – the success relies on the people that work behind the project. The people who innovate, decide the strategy, market the product and create the business are the ones who are truly putting the business in motion. Furthermore, business people and entrepreneurs get the knowledge and skills they use in their businesses from what they have learned in business schools, yet there are essential things that are not taught in school that can be key. 1) Being Grounded It is very hard – almost impossible to teach people to be nice since most of the time, nice people are born/raised that way. For instance, try to observe around you and analyze who you think would qualify as a nice person. Try to see what they do for others that you don’t do. Think about the people you hire and want in your business especially when carrying out the business social networking. Would you hire someone who does not use signals when changing lanes? A person who does not hold a door open for you? Becoming nice is not actually taught in business school, it is just how the person handles him or herself without being taught. And believe me, this can make a great difference when closing deals, getting hired, running a successful business etc. 2) Getting Your Personal Finances In Order “You will never get rich by working for someone else,” this is a common line we hear all the time. The value of money has been taught to us since we were children, and is something that they don’t teach you in school. In other words, business schools focus on professional skills rather that on the personal finance skills such as learning how to organize personal finances and


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