Rosewood hotels & resorts
Without Corp. Brand With Corp. Brand
Total Number of Unique Guests 115.000 115.000
Average Daily Spend $750,00 $750,00 growing at 5%
Number of Days Average Guest Stays per Stay 2 2
Average Gross Margin per Room 32% 32%
Average Number of Visits per Year per Guest 1,2 1,3
Average Marketing Expense per Guest $130,00 $138,70 growing at 5%
Average New Guest Acquisition Expense $150,00 $150,00
Total Number of Repeat Guests 19.169 of which: Total Number of Multi-property Stay Guests
Additional Costs Required per annum
Discount Rate 10% 10%
Average Guest Retention Rate CLTV Calculation With No Changes to Brand Strategy
Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Number of Nights per Stay 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Number of Stays per guest (assuming retained) 38.338 38.338 38.338 38.338 38.338 38.338 38.338
Revenue Per Night $750,00 $787,50 $826,88 $868,22 $911,63 $957,21 $1.005,07
Revenue per Customer $28.753.500,00 $30.191.175,00 $31.700.733,75 $33.285.770,44 $34.950.058,96 $36.697.561,91 $38.532.440,00
Gross Profit per Customer $9.201.120,00 $9.661.176,00 $10.144.234,80 $10.651.446,54 $11.184.018,87 $11.743.219,81 $12.330.380,80
Less Cost to Acquire Customer $150,00 $150,00 $150,00 $150,00 $150,00 $150,00 $150,00
Less Annual Marketing Cost per Customer $130,00 $136,50 $143,33 $150,49 $158,02 $165,92 $174,21
Cash Flow from Customer if Retained $9.200.840,00 $9.660.889,50 $10.143.941,48 $10.651.146,05 $11.183.710,85 $11.742.903,89 $12.330.056,59
Probability of Being Retained 0,17 0,17 0,17 0,17 0,17 0,17 0,17
Expected Cash Flow from Customer $10.734.500,02 $11.271.233,77 $11.834.804,21 $12.426.553,17 $13.047.889,58 $13.700.292,80 $14.385.316,19
Discount Factor 0,91 0,83 0,75 0,68