Relatório presa predador
Julio Cezar Soares Silva Curso de Engenharia de Produção, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Rodovia BR-104, Km 59 - Nova Caruaru, Caruaru – PE, Brasil
Matheus da Silva Andrade Curso de Engenharia de Produção, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Rodovia BR-104, Km 59 - Nova Caruaru, Caruaru – PE, Brasil
Renato de Oliveira Coelho Curso de Engenharia de Produção, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Rodovia BR-104, Km 59 - Nova Caruaru, Caruaru – PE, Brasil
Abstract. This project is a study of predator-prey interactions in a generic environment. The model used here was formulated by Vito Volterra and Alfred J. Lotka, it is used to describe dynamics of populations, more frequently in biological systems. It is useful to predict if in a certain ecosystem, where mutualism, competition or any other ecological relation predominates, a specific group of species can grow in number and affect other ecosystem (pests affecting crops) or other species, living at their response, disputing their food sources, or making those bevy their food, creating a new natural cycle or making both groups endangered. Adding external control agents (climate changes, natural disasters, human beings interfering in nature(for example petroil falling inside the ocean), harmfull food sources), forcing the model to get closer to the real world, makes the analysis more interesting. Considering, for example, the consequences of discarded chemichals in a lake, biologists will need to measure the damage, they have to control populations cycles with other products that reduces the damage caused, stabilizing populations mortality rate, preventing extinction. It is important to understand and supply researchs in predator-prey cycles both for constructing a sustainable world, saving endangered species or preventing new candidates from this classification and for the development of better