Plano de negócio
Business plan is a document with the objective of structuring the main ideas and options that will examine the entrepreneur to decide on the viability of the company to be created.
A project or personal or corporate enterprise can be structured and managed in different ways, but if you want to get capital or resources to investors, banks, incubators or other bodies to promote, or if you want to convince other partners to invest in your idea, put the tip pencil of your business plan becomes crucial.
There are many concepts of business plans, each in its own context.
In this article, we consider the Business Plan is a document that aggregates and organizes information and current practice for the implementation of a project and for the prediction and solution of their problems.
O plano de negócios pode ser considerado a principal ferramenta de gestão do empreendedor. Muito se fala a respeito deste documento nos dias atuais, mas poucos empreendedores sabem como elaborar um e por que o plano de negócios pode definir o sucesso ou fracasso de um