Marketing no Terceiro Setor
The term Third Sector has been extensively studied recently. This study claims to show the importance of marketing departments in institutions of the Third Sector. 197 emails were sent to several institutions in order to obtain information on their profile, fundraising methods and marketing techniques. Among the emails sent, 29 institutions actually answered our survey, and based on the feedback obtained from their answers, we concluded that the existence of the marketing department is extremely important to such institutions when it comes to fundraising. Institutions which lack a marketing department experience reduce results when compared to institutions which operate a marketing department.
Key-words: Third Sector; Social Marketing; Fundraising.
TABELA 1: Elementos Definidores do Terceiro Setor..............................................13
TABELA 2: Tipos de Organizações do Terceiro Setor.............................................14
TABELA 3: Relação dos Setores de Economia........................................................16
TABELA 4: Classificação por fonte principal de recursos..........................................20
TABELA 5: Marcos da comunicação e Propaganda..................................................31
TABELA 6: Vantagens e Desvantagens dos tipos de mídia......................................34
TABELA 7: Diferenças entre Marketing Social e Comercial.......................................37
AACD Associação de Assistência à Criança Deficiente
ABCR Associação Brasileira de Captação de Recursos
ABONG Associação Brasileira de Organizações Não Governamentais
APAE Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais
BRIC Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China
CAF Charities Aid Foundation
CPM Custo por atingir mil pessoas
FIPE Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas