Logistica integrada
MSc. Eng. Paulo Sérgio Ferreira da Silva
Prof. Dr. Alfredo Colenci Júnior
Departamento de Engenharia de Produção Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo - U.S.P. Av. Dr. Carlos Botelho, 1465; São Carlos - S.P. C.P. 359 - CEP 13560-970
ABSTRACT: The Industrial Engineering Knowledge Area has usually worked with manufacturing Integration, mainly under the abbreviature CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing). The Integrated Logistics works with Manufacturing Integration, but it goes beyond it, since it offers the whole value chain integration. The goal of a company must always be the product/service flow optimization from raw material to final customers. To achieve this goal, the optimization of bidirectional flow of information is necessary, through the utilization of Information Technologies (IT) and the construction of a more trustful environment, for more information and experience exchanges among companies which belong to the same value chain or companies which are adversaries. There must be always a search for improvements in the set of these companies through the knowledge and the satisfaction of the consumers’ necessities and desires. The present work proposes the solutions for these problems through Integrated Logistics perspective with the utilization of Just-In-Time and Partnership philosophies, Marketing Function, Marketing Information Systems, Information Technology, Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems with the use of bar code, etc. Keywords: Integrated Logistics, Supply Chain Management
1 - Introdução O desenvolvimento tecnológico, principalmente, através do desenvolvimento da informática tem provocado uma rápida evolução dos sistemas flexíveis de manufatura. Somando-se a isso, o fenômeno da Globalização da Economia que provoca um acirramento da competição por mercados, tem-se então, uma mudança do paradigma da produção. Passa-se do paradigma da Produção em Massa para a Produção