
650 palavras 3 páginas

1) Como você falaria em inglês se:
a) Não escutasse o que a pessoa falou e quisesse pedir para ela repetir:
Repeat, please.
b) Não soubesse o significado da palavra “keyring”:
What’s the meaning of “Keyring”?
c) Quisesse saber como se diz “ jardinagem” em inglês:
How do you say “jardinagem” em english?
d) Não soubesse escrever “pencil” e gostaria que a pessoa soletrasse a palavra:
How do you spell “pencil”?
e) Quisesse pedir permissão para entrar
Excuse me may I came in ?
2) Read the dialogues below. Write F for formal and I for informal:
a) (I) A: Hi, Susie! b) (F) A: It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Smith.
B: Hello, Meg. B: Nice to meet you too, Ms Souza.
3) Complete the conversations. Use my, your, his, or her. 1) Hi. What’s your name? My name is Paula.
2) What’s his name? his name is Paul.
3) What’s her name? her name is Patricia.
4) What’s your name? my name is John.
4) Complete the conversations with the correct words:
a) Mr. Smith: Good afternoon. How are you?
Mrs. Taylor : Just fine, thanks. How about you, Mr. Smith.
b) John: How are you, Kate?
Kate: I’m fine, and you?
c) A: My name is Lucy Brown.
B: I’m Gordon Blue. It’s nice to meet you .
d) A: My name is Lucy.
B: Hi Jon Smith.
e) A: Hello, Sue. How are you?
B I'm fine
f) A: Good morning, Brad. How are you?
B: Not ________, thanks. and you?
5) Choose the correct responses to complete the dialogue:
1) A: Hi, Jane.
B Hello.
a) Hello. b) It’s nice to meet you.
2) A: My name is Bruce Wallace.
B I’m Paul Brown
a) It’s Paul. b) I’m Paul Brown.
3) A: Hello, Emily. How are you?
B: a) Fine, thanks.
a) Fine, thanks. b) It’s nice to meet you, too.
4) A: How do you spell your last name?
B: a) S-M-I-T-H
a) S-M –I – T- H b) It’s Smith.
5) A: I’m Bruce Morgan.
B: b) It’s nice to meet you.
a) Nice to meet you, too. B) It’s nice to meet you.
6) How do


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