LEIA O TEXTO ABAIXO PARA MARCAR AS RESPOSTAS CERTAS: John This is John. He is fifteen years old. He is English. His favorite sport is football. He is in the school team. He is from Liverpool, a city in the North of England. He is a Liverpool fan. He is a Liverpool supporter.
1.De acordo com o texto marque a resposta correta:
|a) ( ) |John is Brazilian. |
|b) ( ) |John is from Paragominas. |
|c) ( ) |John is from Nagibão |
|d) ( ) |John is from Liverpool. |
2.A soma dos números 5+5+3 é igual a:
|a) ( ) |Three |
|b) ( ) |Thirty |
|c) ( ) |Thirteen |
|d) ( ) |Ten |
3. Qual das seqüências abaixo o artigo indefinido (A/AN=um/uma) está empregado correto:
|a) ( ) |a orange – a dog – a apple